EYA Neighborhood News

5 ways to celebrate Earth Day

Written by EYA Homes | April 18, 2019

Earth Day celebrations are taking place around the world and there are many ways you can make a difference in your community and your home. Here are a few ideas:

1) Pledge to reduce and recycle

Purchase food products that use less plastic packaging and bring recyclable shopping bags to the grocery store. Shopping at a local Farmer’s Market can also reduce the amount of plastic packaging you consume. Instead of plastic water bottles, bring your own reusable bottle with you when you are on the go. Say no to single-use straws. And if you don’t already recycle at home, pledge to start.

2) Plant a tree

Volunteer with a local tree planting organization or simply plant a tree in your own yard. Casey Trees hosts a number of volunteer community tree planting events throughout the area. And for DC residents looking to plant a shade tree in your yard, click here to learn about the city's tree rebate program, tips on how to plant and maintain trees and more. 

3) Use alternative modes of transit

Reduce your carbon footprint by using alternative transport methods such as public transit, carpooling, bicycling or walking. Bicycling to work not only offers environmental benefits such as reduced pollution and traffic congestion, but can also provide personal benefits such as cost savings and improved fitness. Incorporating walking into your daily commute promotes sustainable living. By walking from your home to a Metrorail station or Metrobus stop and continuing to the office, you reduce the number of cars on the road, which saves fuel and promotes cleaner air by cutting Greenhouse Gas emissions.

4) Install energy saving devices in your home

Energy saving devices can not only reduce your utility bills, but also help the environment. Change out those old light bulbs for more energy-efficient bulbs, add a programmable thermostat and get low flow fixtures. If you are going to purchase new appliances such as a refrigerator or washing machine, consider Energy Star certified products. 

5) Attend an Earth Day event

There are lots of great Earth Day events taking place throughout the DC area ranging from community clean-ups to family-friendly activities and more. Click here to view the list and happy Earth Day celebrations!

EYA has long demonstrated a commitment to environmentally sound business practices and building sustainable neighborhoods. Our walkable communities offer homeowners life within walking distance, close to transit, shopping, dining and other conveniences. Learn more about our new communities and discover a smarter way to live today.