EYA Neighborhood News

Best Restaurant in Old Town? Yes, if You Love BBQ!

Written by Admin | June 03, 2010

I am a big BBQ fan. I passionately go to Rockland's BBQ and Grilling Company when I am in Georgetown or Rockville, enjoy a sandwich to go from Urban BBQ from one of its several locations and I am always on the lookout for BBQ when traveling. That said, Alexandria has King Street Blues and it is the king of BBQ in Old Town. I am on my 6th visit and each time I have discovered something more surprising.

Located on St. Asaph Street in Old Town, 7 blocks and a ten minute walk from Old Town Commons, King Street Blues is difficult to miss. The outside is painted blue and yellow with puppet like characters coming out of the building in curious shapes and sizes. The theme is consistent inside as well with paper mache looking creations throughout.

On my first visit I chose the BBQ standard, a chopped pork sandwich. It was as good as any but the hand baked potato chips really took it up a notch. A second visit introduced me to the beef brisket sandwich. This surprised me a little because it offered up less strips of beef than I had expected and they were laid out across the bun. I used a fork and gobbled them down. It was tasty but likely the last time I would order it.

The real breakthrough came last week when a friend recommended the French Quarter Po' Boy sandwich. A soft roll holding chopped andouille sausage, chicken, shrimp, lettuce, peppers, and tomato ranch dressing. This is a killer sandwich that you will not forget. I would even consider it a "life changing" experience. After years of eating lunch foods that adequately fill your stomach, this is the one that provides joy. With an extra side of the dressing to dip the hand baked chips in as you work your way through the culinary joy of the Po' Boy, I think you will also find this to be pure heaven.

I am sure I will be working my way through the menu over time but if you start with the French Quarter Po' Boy, hit up the chopped Pork or go with one of their highly recommend salads (also by my friend) you will likely do very well.

King Street Blues
112 North Asaph Street,
Alexandria, Virginia

Phone: 703-836-8800