EYA Neighborhood News

More Data Supports Life Within Walking Distance

Written by EYA Homes | August 14, 2013

A walkable lifestyle in the urban core isn't just for hipsters anymore, says two recent articles from the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.


The Washington area boasts numerous walkable neighborhoods suitable for a carefree, convenient lifestyle. Pictured here is one of downtown Silver Spring's marketplace events. EYA will be constructing elevator townhomes near this location at Chelsea Heights in 2014.

Instead, researchers are seeing empty nesters increasingly choose the conveniences of city living. They're ditching the car, walking to farmer's markets, enjoying a lower maintenance lifestyle and generally embracing the vibrancy of walkable lifestyles.

It's a concept on which EYA was founded, and EYA builds townhomes and condominiums in locations which offer life within walking distance (the company's tagline) throughout the Washington Metropolitan area.

Wondering if urban living is right for you? Discover how these families enjoy their choice or visit any one of our sales centers in Bethesda, Fairfax, Old Town Alexandria, Hyattsville or the District.