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How to Utilize Your Rooftop Terrace

Smart Growth Trends | Architecture | Design | Company News

How to Utilize Your Rooftop Terrace Blog Feature

By: EYA on October 6th, 2011

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The sun is bright and the wind is crisp - enjoy Fall's perfect weather on your patio or rooftop terrace. A rooftop terrace is a great way to create an atmosphere for memorable home entertaining. When designing your rooftop terrace consider these tips:

  • Choose furniture that allows you to relax comfortably. Consider benches that are built into the perimeter, taking up less space and creating more room for other design elements.
  • Keep space open and easy to move around. Be sure not to choose large items that could be overwhelming and cause safety hazards.
  • Make sure everything is weather proof - design components should withstand the elements.
  • Add lighting for cooking, dining, and entertaining at night. Lighting is important for both safety and aesthetics. Rope lights can be tucked away to provide an ambient glow.
  • A decorative floor mat can bring color to the space. Consider a painted canvas, which is durable and weather resistant. Full size area rugs are also available.
  • Colorful accents like lush plants can add personality to any rooftop. Evergreens might be a nice choice for Fall. Or, plan for Spring and read more on full sun plantings.
  • Create a warm gathering place on your rooftop terrace with a barbecue or outdoor fireplace.